Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Name : Liska Nurwulansari
NPM   : 12609804
Class  : 4SA02

The Elements of Culture
  1. Language.
    1. Language is a set of symbols used to assign and communicate meaning. It enables us to name or label the things in our world so we can think and communicate about them.
    2. Language as a social product.
    3. Language, communication and interaction.
    4. Language, cognition, and reality.
    5. Language and culture.
  1. Norms.
    1. Norms as humanly created rules for behavior.
      1. The production of norms.
        1. The need for orderly, stable, predictable interactions.
        2. The role of power in the production of norms.
      2. The reification of norms.
      3. Renegotiating and changing norms.
    2. Types of norms.
      1. Folkways.
      2. Mores.
      3. Taboos.
      4. Rituals.
    1. Social Control.
      1. Internal social control.
        1. Socialization and the internalization of norms.
        2. Ideologies, beliefs, and values.
      1. External social control.
        1. Informal sanctions.
          1. Physical and verbal reactions.
          2. Embarrassment and stigma.
          3. Avoidance and ostracization.
          4. The importance of informal sanctions in small groups and organizations.
        2. Formal sanctions.
          1. Formal sanctions in large organizations.
          2. Governments, laws, and police.
          3. Courts, hearings, trials, and punishments.
    1. Theories of deviance.
      1. Deviance as functional.
      2. Social disorganization and anomie.
      3. Control theory.
      4. Structural strain theory.
      5. Marxist theories.
      6. Value conflict theory.
      7. The social construction of deviance.
      8. Labeling theory.
      9. Cultural transmission and differential association. 
  1. Values.
    1. Values are anything members of a culture aspire to or hold in high esteem. Values are things to be achieved, things considered of great worth or value.
      1. Values are human creations. They are social products.
      2. Values can and do become reified.
      3. Values can be renegotiated and changed. 
    1. While people and groups may disagree as to which are most important, Americans generally value the following. 
      1. Democracy, liberty, freedom, independence, autonomy, and individual rights.
      2. Capitalism, competition, hard work, self-discipline, and success.
      3. Wealth, prosperity, materialism, and consumerism.
      4. Equity, fairness, and justice.
      5. Equality of opportunity.
      6. Love, compassion, humanitarianism, charity, service, and respect for others.
      7. Tolerance, forgiveness, and acceptance.
      8. Faith, religion, family, conformity, and tradition.
      9. Nationalism, patriotism, civic responsibility, and loyalty.
      10. Health, happiness, and life.
      11. Education, knowledge, science, technology, and innovation.
    1. Complimentary and conflicting values.
      1. A groups values tend to compliment and support one another. They tend to be in agreement and make sense when considered together. A careful look at the values above reveals “sets” of values that seem to go together.
      2. However, it is also possible for values to contradict and conflict with each other, especially in complex modern industrial societies.  For example, competition and success can be seen as contradictory to humanitarianism, compassion, service and self-sacrafice; while equity and justice contradict forgiveness and conformity and tradition contradict tolerance and acceptance.  
      3. In fact, many social and political problems can be seen as conflicts between groups emphasizing different values.
    1. The relationship between norms and values.
  1. Beliefs and ideologies.
    1. Beliefs are the things members of a culture hold to be true. They are the "facts" accepted by all or most members. Beliefs are not limited to religious statements, but include all the things a people know and accept as true, including common sense everyday knowledge.
      1. Like all other cultural elements, beliefs are humanly created and produced. They are collective social agreements produced during interaction and reified over time. What is "true" or "factual" for a given people is what they collectively agree to be true at that point in time.
      2. Beliefs can and do change, especially in modern industrial societies. Today we laugh at things our grandparents used to believe and chances are that our grandchildren will laugh at many of our beliefs as well.
      3. This suggests that their is no absolute knowledge or absolute truth. All knowledge and truth is relative.
    2. Ideologies are integrated and connected systems of beliefs. Sets of beliefs and assumptions connected by a common theme or focus. They are often are associated with specific social institutions or systems and serve to legitimize those systems.
      1. Some prominent American ideologies.
        1. Capitalism.
        2. Christianity (Protestantism).
        3. Individualism
        4. Scientism
        5. Sexism.
        6. Racism.
      2. Ideologies are, themselves, often related and connected to each other in complex ideological systems, such that one ideology "makes sense" when considered with another. They also often serve to legitimize each other. Religious ideologies often encompass or subsume many of a culture's ideologies, giving them added legitimacy.
      3. However, it is also possible for a culture to hold ideologies that are conflicting and contradictory.
    1. The relationship between beliefs and values.
  1. Social Collectives.
    1. Social collectives such as groups, organizations, communities, institutions, classes, and societies are also collectively produced symbolic social constructions.
      1. Social collectives are symbolic entities. They are defined into existence when people define themselves as a group or are defined as a group by others. They can and do become reified over time, such that they are seen and treated as real objective entities. However, they remain fundamentally symbolic entities and as such can be renegotiated and redefined.
      2. The symbolic nature of social collectives means that they are typically justified and maintained by ideological systems and ritualistic behavior.
    2. Although symbolic entities, social collectives have a real impact on our lives.
      1. Collectives as contexts for interaction.
      2. Collectives and local cultures.
      3. Collectives, status, roles, identity, and the self. 
  1. Statuses and Roles.
    1. Status, although related, is not a measure of a persons wealth, power, and prestige. To speak of "high" or "low" status is somewhat misleading. A status is a slot or position within a group or society. They tell us who people are and how they "fit" into the group.
      1. Status and group membership.
      2. Statuses as collective social agreements that become reified over time, but which can and do change.
      3. Society as a network of inter-related statuses.
      4. The multiplicity of statuses filled by individuals in modern societies.
      5. Ascribed and achieved statuses.
      6. Master statuses--age, sex, race, class.
      7. Status, prestige, wealth, and power.
      8. Status inconsistency.
    1. Roles are norms specifying the rights and responsibilities associated with a particular status. The term role is often used to mean both a position in society and role expectations associated with it.
      1. Roles define what a person in a given status can and should do, as well as what they can and should expect from others. Roles provide a degree of stability and predictability, telling how we should respond to others and giving us an idea of how others should respond to us.
      2. Roles are negotiated and produced during interaction, and often become reified over time. However, roles can be renegotiated and changed.
      3. Role set, role strain, role conflict, and role transition.
      4. Roles, identity, and the self. 
  1. Cultural Integration.
    1. Cultural integration refers to how interconnected, complimentary, and mutually supportive the various elements of culture are.
    2. Diversity, complexity, and integration.
    3. Variation within modern mass cultures.
      1. Diversity in historical and cultural traditions.
      2. Subcultures.
      3. Counter-cultures.
      4. Local cultures.
    4. The mass media and cultural integration.
    5. The relationship between beliefs, values, norms, and behavior.
      1. The traditional deterministic view.
      2. The culture as resource view.

The Difference Between Culture and Civilization

 A culture ordinarily exists within a civilization. In this regard, each civilization can contain not only one but several cultures. Comparing culture and civilization is like showing the difference between language and the country to which it is being used.
Culture can exist in itself whereas civilization cannot be called a civilization if it does not possess a certain culture. It’s just like asking how a nation can exist on its own without the use of a medium of communication. Hence, a civilization will become empty if it does not have its culture, no matter how little it is.
Culture can be something that is tangible and it can also be something that isn’t. Culture can become a physical material if it is a product of the beliefs, customs and practices of a certain people with a definite culture. But a civilization is something that can be seen as a whole and it is more or less tangible although its basic components, like culture, can be immaterial.
Culture can be learned and in the same manner it can also be transmitted from one generation to the next. Using a medium of speech and communication, it is possible for a certain type of culture to evolve and even be inherited by another group of people. On the other hand, civilization cannot be transferred by mere language alone. Because of its complexity and magnitude, you need to transfer all of the raw aggregates of a civilization for it to be entirely passed on. It just grows, degrades and may eventually end if all its subunits will fail.

The Definition of Culture According to Experts

1. Edward B. Taylor
Culture is a complex whole, the knowledge contained therein, belief, art, morals, law, indigenous customs, and other capabilities acquired by man as a member of the community.

2. M. Jacobs and B.J. Stern
Culture includes all forms of technology that includes social, ideological, religious, and arts and objects, all of which is the social heritage.

3. Koentjaraningrat
Culture is a whole system of ideas, actions, and the work of humans in the context of community life that's self-made man with relajar.

4. Dr. K. Kupper
Culture is a system of ideas that guide and driver for humans in attitude and behavior, either individually or in groups.

5. William H. Haviland
Culture is a set of rules and norms shared by members of the community, which if carried out by its members will bear behavior that is deemed feasible and can be accepted by all societies.

6. Ki Hajar Dewantara
Culture means the fruit of the human mind is the result of mankind's struggle against two powerful influences, namely the age and nature which is a testament to the triumph of human life to overcome the obstacles and hardships in life and livelihood in order to achieve salvation and happiness that the birth is orderly and peaceful.

7. Francis Merrill
• The patterns of behavior generated by social interaction
• All behavior and all products produced by someone as a member of a society that is found through symbolic interaction.

8. Bounded
Culture is something that is formed by the development and transmission of human beliefs through certain symbols, such as language symbols as a series of symbols used to shift the cultural beliefs among members of a society. The messages about the culture that is expected can be found in the media, government, religious institutions, educational systems and the like.

9. Mitchell (Dictionary of Soriblogy)
Culture is a partial repetition of action or the whole of human activity and human-generated products that have been popular in the community socially and not simply transferred genetikal.

10. Robert H. Lowie
Culture is everything that is received by the individual from society, including beliefs, customs, artistic norms, eating habits, a skill that was obtained was not of his own creativity, but a legacy of the past which can be through formal or informal.

11. Archaeologists R. Seokmono
Culture is the result of human effort, either an object or just a fruit of thought and in life.
Culture is a set of rules and norms shared by members of the community, which if carried out by its members will bear behavior that is deemed feasible and can be accepted by all societies.

The Meaning of Culture
Culture is a modern concept based on a term first used in classical antiquity by the Roman orator,Cicero: "cultura animi". The term "culture" appeared first in its current sense in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries, to connote a process of cultivation or improvement, as in agriculture or horticulture. In the 19th century, the term developed to refer first to the betterment or refinement of the individual, especially through education, and then to the fulfillment of national aspirations or ideals. In the mid-19th century, some scientists used the term "culture" to refer to a universal human capacity. For the German nonpositivist sociologist Georg Simmel, culture referred to "the cultivation of individuals through the agency of external forms which have been objectified in the course of history".
In the 20th century, "culture" emerged as a central concept in anthropology, encompassing the range of human phenomena that cannot be attributed to genetic inheritance. Specifically, the term "culture" in American anthropology had two meanings: (1) the evolved human capacity to classify and represent experiences with symbols, and to act imaginatively and creatively; and (2) the distinct ways that people living in different parts of the world classified and represented their experiences, and acted creatively.
A distinction is current between the physical artifacts created by a society, its so-called material culture and everything else, the intangibles such as language, customs, etc. that are the main referent of the term "culture".

The Meaning of Interaction
Interaction is a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect upon one another. The idea of a two-way effect is essential in the concept of interaction, as opposed to a one-way causal effect. A closely related term is interconnectivity, which deals with the interactions of interactions within systems: combinations of many simple interactions can lead to surprising emergent phenomena. Interaction has different tailored meanings in various sciences.
Casual examples of interaction outside of science include:
-          Communication of any sort, for example two or more people talking to each other, or communication among groups, organizations, nations or states: trade, migration, foreign relations, transportation,
-          The feedback during the operation of machines such as a computer or tool, for example the interaction between a driver and the position of his or her car on the road: by steering the driver influences this position, by observation this information returns to the driver.

Example of Cultural Interaction

                  Language is a cultural component. While some cultural communities use English, others,speak Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, or another of the thousands of languages spoken today. Religion is another cultural component, and there are hundreds (if not thousands) of ways that different culture groups practice and are characterized by that trait. Likewise, there is a world of cultural differences with respect to technology and medicine, economic and agricultural activity, and modes of architecture and transportation. Moreover, cultural communities may differ in their dress, grooming, music, cuisine, dance, sport, etiquette, and other cultural components, all of which make for a culturally diverse world.


Selasa, 05 Juni 2012



1.1 Background of the problem

In the current era of globalization as a local cultural elements of the old has faded because it has a lot of outside elements that dominate. In today's era increasingly appears that the culture has begun to be replaced with a foreign culture that is common.

Our culture is very diverse and many are increasingly faded because young people today no longer in love with their own culture but prefer to follow the foreign cultures that sometimes a lot of negative elements. young people have been contaminated by globalization so that they forget their own cultural heritage as Reog Ponorogo.

Reog Ponoro art from East Java, has even had the claimed by Malaysia. This all happened because of a lack of love for his own culture, so the owners of culture in the culture itself is not in love and chose to try his fate to the people and it turns out there they get a reward and a very good result from this ponorogo reog art.

In the dictionary sense, kearifan lokal (local knowledge) consists of two words: kearifan (wisdom) and lokal (local). In Indonesia John M. Echols and Hassan English Dictionary Syadily, local means setempat, while wisdom (kearifan) equals wisdom. In general, kearifan lokal (local knowledge) can be understood as local ideas is wise, full of wisdom, good value, which is embedded and followed by members of the public. While the notion of local wisdom in terms according to Prof. Abdul Majid is custom made as a social community values, moral source which is appreciated by them.

1.2 Problem formulation
1. What makes Reog Ponorogo claimed by the state Malaysia?
2. What makes young people forget their culture?
3. Who should sustaining the local culture?

1.3 Purpose
The writer raised about the culture Reog Ponorogo because of concern for the culture of this nation should be improved, and not so many young people who would love and keep the cultural heritage of this nation. The writerwanted everyone to appreciate their local culture rather than a global culture that does not have the characteristics and sometimes incompatible with the culture of our own country.


2.1 History of the study

Reog is one of the cultural arts from East Java and the northwestern part Ponorogo Reog regarded as the hometown of the real. Roxburgh town gate was decorated by the figure warok and gemblak, two figures who have appeared at the time reog performed. Reog is one of the local culture in Indonesia is still very strong with things mystical and powerful mysticism.

There are five versions of the popular story that develops in the community about the origins and Warok Reog, but one of the most famous story is the story of the rebellion Ki Ageng Fleas, a royal servant in the Bhre Kertabhumi, last king of Majapahit in power at century to-15. Ki Ageng Fleas will anger the powerful influence of the Majapahit king's wife who came from China, but also the wrath of his king in a corrupt government, he also saw that the power of the kingdom of Majapahit will end.

He then left the king and founded the college where he taught martial arts to young children, the science of self-immunity, and the science of perfection in the hope that these young children will be the seed of the resurrection of the Majapahit kingdom back. Aware that his forces are too small to fight the royal troops Ki Ageng Fleas political message conveyed through the performing arts Reog,
Which is a "satire" to the King and his kingdom Kertabhumi. Reog show a way of Ki

Ageng Fleas build local resistance using Reog popularity.Reog displayed in the show shaped head of a lion mask, known as the "Lion barong ', king of the jungle, which became a symbol for Kertabhumi, and above it is plugged in peacock feathers to resemble a giant fan that symbolizes the strong influence of his Chinese colleagues from the set of all motion- geriknya. Jatilan, played by a group of dancers gemblak a piggyback ride became a symbol of the Majapahit Empire forces in the comparison of the contrast with the strength warok, who was behind the red clown mask that became a symbol for Ki Ageng Fleas, alone and carry the weight of the mask Singabarong achieve more than 50 pounds just by using his teeth
Ki Ageng Fleas Reog popularity eventually led to Bhre Kertabhumi perguruannya take action and strike, rebellion by warok quickly overcome, and forbidden to continue teaching college will warok. But students still continue Ki Ageng ticks quietly.

However, Reognya art itself is still allowed to be staged since the show has become popular among the people, but the story has added the new channel in which the characters of folklore that is Kelono Sewandono Roxburgh, David Songgolangit, and Sri Genthayu.

The official version now storylines Reog Ponorogo is the story of King Ponorogo who intend applying for Kediri daughter, Dewi Ragil Yellow, but in the way he was intercepted by King Singabarong of Kediri. Singabarong king's army consists of peacocks and lions, while the King of the Kingdom of Roxburgh and his Deputy Bujang Kelono Anom, escorted by warok (men dressed in black in the dance), and warok has a deadly black magic. The whole dance is a dance of war between the Kingdom and the Kingdom of Ponorogo Kediri, and pitted black magic between them, the dancers are in a state of "trance" while staging the dance.

Until now people just follow what Ponorogo to their heritage as a very rich cultural heritage. In the experience of art is the copyright creation of human Reog formed a cult that is hereditary and maintained. The ceremony also use terms that are not easy for lay people to fill in the absence of a clear lineage. they embrace Parental lineage and customary laws are still valid.

2.2 The staging of reog

Modern Reog usually performed in several events such as weddings, circumcisions and the great days of the National. Reog Ponorogo art consists of a series of 2 to 3 opening dance. The first dance is usually performed by 6-8 valiant men dressed all in black, with red polished face. The figure depicts the lion dancers are brave.

Next is a dance performed by girls who ride horses 6-8. In the traditional reog, dancers are usually performed by male dancers dressed in women. This dance is called a braid or Jathilan horse dance, which should be distinguished from other dances that lumping horse dance. Other opening dance if there is usually a dance by a little boy who brought the funny scene called Bujang Ganong or Ganongan.

After the opening dance is complete, the new core scenes whose content is displayed depends reog condition where art is displayed. When it comes to marriage, the romance scenes are displayed. For the celebration of circumcision or circumcision, is usually the story of warriors, Art scene in reog usually do not follow a neat scenario.

Here there is always interaction between players and masterminds (usually the leader of the party) and sometimes with the audience. Sometimes a player's performances can be replaced by another player when the player's fatigue.

The first importance in the staging of art reog is to give satisfaction to the audience. The final scene is a barong lion, where the actors wear masks shaped head of a lion with a crown made of peacock feathers. Weight mask can reach 50-60 kg. Heavy mask is carried by the dancers with his teeth. The ability to bring masks are obtained in addition to weight training, is also believed diproleh with spiritual exercises such as fasting and penance.

2.3 Figures in the art of reog

1. Jathilan

Jathil is a warrior on horseback, and is one of the leaders in the arts Reog. Jathilan is a dance depicting the dexterity of soldiers who were practicing riding on a horse. This dance is performed by dancers in which the dancers are to each other in pairs with each other.

Dexterity and skill in battle on horseback or lost interest shown by the expression of the dancer. Jathilan was originally danced by men smooth, flawless-looking or similar to a beautiful woman. Motion is more likely to feminine dance. Since the 1980's when the art team was about to be sent to Reog Ponorogo to open PRJ Jakarta (Jakarta Fair), dancer Jathilan replaced by the dancers girls with more feminine reason.

The characteristics of an impression on the artistic dance movement Jathilan Reog Ponorogo more likely to smooth, lively, flirtatious. This is supported by the pattern of rhythmic dance movement that alternated between rhythm work properly (naive) and rhythm ngracik.

2. Warok

Warok PonorogoThe main article for this section are: "Warok" which comes from the word wewarah are people who have a holy determination, provide guidance and protection without any strings attached. Warok is wong kang wewarah wealthy (rich people will wewarah).

That is, a person becomes warok being able to give guidance or instruction to others about life iku baik.Warok wong kang wus full saka sakabehing behavior, lan wus menep ing sense (Warok is the one who is perfect in the manner of life, and to the deposition of the inner ). [

Warok a character / traits and community spirit that has been ingrained Ponorogo since the first handed down by our ancestors to future generations. Warok is part of the art teaching aids Reog integral with the other props in the art unit Reog Ponorogo. Warok is a truly mastered both physically and mentally.

3. Barongan (sudden peacock)

Barongan The main article for this section are: sudden peacockBarongan (sudden peacock) dance is the most dominant tools in the art Reog Ponorogo. Parts thereof, among others; Head Tiger (caplokan), made of wooden frame, bamboo, rattan covered with tiger skins Gembong.

Sudden peacock, frame made of bamboo and rattan as a peacock feathers arranged to depict a peacock feathers and bite are developing a string of beads - beads (prayer beads). Krakap made of black velvet cloth embroidered with the monte, the accessories and a place to write reog group identity. sudden this peacocks length of around 2.25 meters, a width of about 2.30 meters, and weighs nearly 50 pounds.

4. Klono Sewandono

The main article for this section are: Klono SewandonoKing Klono SewandonoKlono Sewandono or Kelono King was a powerful king who has a heritage mainstay mandraguna Cemeti highly potent form as Kyai whip Samandiman go wherever the King is a handsome and young are always bringing treasures.

Inheritance is used to protect himself. Valor of the King in describing the motion of a lively dance and authoritative, in a tale of King Klono Sewandono managed to create beautiful art from the results of its copyright power to comply with requests Princess (her boyfriend). Because the king in a drunken affair then tarinyapun sometimes describe a movement that was in love.

5. Bujang Ganong (Ganongan)

Bujang Ganong (Ganongan) Bujang Ganong (Ganongan) or Patih Anom poet was one of the energetic, hilarious as well as having expertise in the martial arts so that each performance is always there waiting - waiting by the audience especially children - children. Bujang Ganong describes the figure of a young Patih nimble, strong-willed, clever, witty and sakt.


Of all the above information about the culture, the authors conclude that we need to better maintain and preserve the arts and local culture. do not easily affected by globalization, as now, as the successor to the smart people we should be able to choose where the culture is good and no, we must also be able to maintain their own culture do not get captured by others. Our culture is very diverse and many are increasingly fading because young people today no longer in love with their own culture but prefer to follow a foreign culture that is sometimes a lot of negative elements. young people have been contaminated by globalization so that they forget their cultural heritage as Reog Ponorogo.


Minggu, 29 April 2012

Cacar Air

Penyakit cacar air dapat menjadi penyakit yang berbahaya kepada penderitanya apabila tidak segera di obati. Penyakit ini dapat menular dengan cepat kepada orang yang ada di sekitar jika orang tersebut sedang tidak sehat atau melakukan kontak langsung dengan prnderita. Penyakit ini di sebarkan oleh serangga yang terkena virus varicella zoster, semua orang dapat terkena penyakit ini, baik anak kecil maupun yang usdah dewasa.

1. Gejala
 Pada awalnya penderita cacar air akan mengalami demam, sakit, kepala, pusing dan lemas, pada tahap ini tidak jarang banyak yang mengira kalau mereka terkena tifus, tetapi tidak lama setelah gejala tersebut penderita cacar air akan mendapati ruam merah dan lentingan pada tubuhnya yang berisi cairan di dalamnya, cairan tersebut menyebabkan rasa gatal dan panas yang membuat sangat tidak nyaman kepada penderitanya.

2. Akibat
 Dari lentingan berisi air yang terasa gatal tersebut dapat membuat penderitan memiliki bekas luka atau keropeng yang berbekas pada bagian tubuh yang terdapat lentingan berisi cairan tersebut. Apabila lentingan tersebut dengan sengaja di pecahkan maka setelah mengering bekas luka yang di timbulkan akan menjadi lebih dalam dan juga kering lebih lama, hal ini di sebabkan karena infeksi bakteri jadi lebih mudah terjadi, penderita yang mengalami hal ini akan mendapatkan bekas luka yang sulit untuk di hilangkan, terutama untuk penderita dewasa.

3. Pencegahan
 Penyakit cacar air ini dapat di cegah dengan cara menjaga lingkungan di sekitar kita agar tetap bersih sehingga tidak menjadi sarang penyebab virus tersebut. Selain itu pencegahan juga dapat di lakukan dengan cara imunisasi, imunisasi cacar air sudah dapat  di berikan kepada anak yang berusia lebih dari 12 bulan, imunisasi ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh.

4. Penyebab
 Penyebab utama dari cacar air adalah virus varicella zoster, virus ini menular dengan sangat cepat dan dapat menyerang siapa saja termasuk orang dewasa, anak-anak, dan bayi. Virus ini menyerang ketika daya tahan tubuh penderita sedang tidak baik.

5. Pengobatan
 Penyakit cacar air ini dapat sembuh dengan sendirinya, tergantung dari kondisi tubuh penderitanya, dan ada beberapa orang yang terkena serangan berulang ketika daya tahan tubuh mereka kembali melemah. Penderita sebaiknya di beri Asiklovir berupa tablet 800 mg per hari setiap 4 jam sekali sesuai dengan dosis yang di anjurkan oleh dokter, salep asiklovir 5% yang di oleskan ke tubuh yang terdapat cacar, dan mandi dengan larutan PK.

Nama : Liska Nurwulansari
Kleas : 3SAO2
NPM : 12609804

Senin, 16 April 2012


Liska Nurwulansari

On today we often find that crime is caused by pornography, like rape, or sexual abuse often happens around us is all the negative effects of pornography.
Pornography addiction effect on the audience. after someone came in and view the world pornography, they will surely come again and again. images, or pornographic media that looks to stimulate their sexual desires and they usually vent their sexual desires with masturbation. if someone has been exposed to pornography pornography then thought about it, would come to their brains.
Once addicted, they can not be separated from their desire of pornography, even though many of the negative effects of pornography, among which may lead to divorce, a lot of sexual abuse that often occurs at this time.
Most are addicted to pornography are men, because men like to fantasize and fantasize their brain capacity is huge.
According to Bob Navarro, a researcher who has long studied pornography, said: "Believe it or not higher education is also semakkin vulnerable they become addicted to pornography
Pornography can be accessed through various media that can be through books, magazines, vidio, movies, games, animation, and sound recordings.
With ease even small children can also access a porn site because it is now easy to get what we want through intetrnet.
